Forums - Any New Traps? MvC2 Show all 40 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Any New Traps? MvC2 ( Posted by J-dog on 06:01:2001 05:09 PM: Any New Traps? MvC2 please give me suggestions on trap teams, I know many but any new or old ones I dont know yet would be greatly appreciated. Peace Posted by TimeFlip on 06:01:2001 05:19 PM: Here's all the one's I know, and if you need an explanation just ask. Cable/Anybody Doom/BH BH/Doom MegaMan/Cable Spiral/Sent Sent/BH Strider/Doom Jin/Doom Posted by J-dog on 06:01:2001 05:28 PM: explain megaman cable, and jin doom? Posted by TimeFlip on 06:01:2001 06:44 PM: MegaMan/Cable(Gamma) Call Cable and jump up and down throwing Hp shots. Add a rockball if you want. Doesn't do much chipping, but good at building meter. Jin/Doom Call Doom, Jump and D+Hk. Can be pushblocked, but does mad chipping in the corner. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:01:2001 08:23 PM: Other traps Timeflip hasn't mentioned: Doom/Capcom Megaman/Blackheart Blackheart/Cyclops Cammy/Sent Ruby Heart/M. Bison (my personal trap ) Posted by strider_hien on 06:01:2001 08:47 PM: BH/Cable/Doom trap team Use the Doom/BH trap, then if doom dies, Cable/BH just send out BH, jump and FP, grenade, super jump fp, grenade, land, assist, repeat... Posted by TigeR GenocidE on 06:01:2001 09:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by dragonkahn Other traps Timeflip hasn't mentioned: Doom/Capcom Megaman/Blackheart Blackheart/Cyclops Ruby Heart/M. Bison (my personal trap ) Whats the ruby/bison trap? Posted by dragonkahn on 06:01:2001 09:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by TigeR GenocidE Whats the ruby/bison trap? It's pretty EZ and simple... dash-in, c.LK + M. Bison Bomb Assist, c.LK, c.HK xx Sublimation, repeat. Although, your opponent can take the hit from the sweep and roll out. Nonetheless, it's a trap since it's safe and limits your opponent's options. Posted by Supergeek on 06:01:2001 10:40 PM: Cable/Sentinel: Jump back HP with Cable and call Sentinel at the same time, when you land, wait for all the drones to hit, and either throw a grenade or HP Viper Beam. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:01:2001 10:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by Supergeek Cable/Sentinel: Jump back HP with Cable and call Sentinel at the same time, when you land, wait for all the drones to hit, and either throw a grenade or HP Viper Beam. Also, standing FP, FP, FP + Sent assist, FP, wait for Drones to hit, LK Grenade, repeat. Posted by KimMaster on 06:01:2001 11:18 PM: nobody mentioned Cammy/CapCom Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 02:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien BH/Cable/Doom trap team Use the Doom/BH trap, then if doom dies, Cable/BH just send out BH, jump and FP, grenade, super jump fp, grenade, land, assist, repeat... that works very good! THX i got 31 wins because of it. I made everybody leave the arcade(camelot golfland). Posted by KimMaster on 06:02:2001 02:18 AM: Use my team!!! Cammy/Cable/CapCom Cammy/Capcom jump in the air, air cannon spike(hcb+hk), land, assist (capcom's antiair), jump, air cannon spike, land, jump, air cannon spike, assist, repeat after Cammy dies. Cable/Capcom Call CapCom, jump, fp, throw lp grenade, drop, call CapCom, repeat, ! Cable/Cammy Call Cammy's Dash Assist, jump with Cable, fp viper beam, drop, call assist, if it hits, AHVB!!!!!! ! That's my team ! Posted by AMX on 06:02:2001 02:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by KimMaster Use my team!!! Cammy/Cable/CapCom Cammy/Capcom jump in the air, air cannon spike(hcb+hk), land, assist (capcom's antiair), jump, air cannon spike, land, jump, air cannon spike, assist, repeat after Cammy dies. Cable/Capcom Call CapCom, jump, fp, throw lp grenade, drop, call CapCom, repeat, ! Cable/Cammy Call Cammy's Dash Assist, jump with Cable, fp viper beam, drop, call assist, if it hits, AHVB!!!!!! ! That's my team ! nah. thats ok. and you know why. indiviuality Posted by Dynamyte2U on 06:02:2001 05:07 PM: Spiral w/Sentinel, Sabretooth, Blackheart - Wall of Swords trap. Sentinel w/Blackheart, Any good AAA - Flight trap. Sentinel w/Blackheart - Sentinel Force trap. Sentinel w/Blackheart, Spiral, Any good chipping assist - HSF trap. Megaman w/Blackheart, Doom (alpha/beta), Sentinel - Megabuster-Rockball trap. Ruby Heart w/Doom - Sublim'ation trap Cable w/Storm, Blackheart, Sentinel - Gun trap. Strider w/Doom - Ouroboros Trap Doom w/Blackheart - Photon Trap Blackheart w/Doom - Demon Trap Posted by CiddypooKun on 06:02:2001 08:08 PM: Ooh! My Tron/Sabertooth trap I made up ^_^ s.LP, s.MP (at the third hit call Sabertooth) xx LK DrillRush (Last of Birdie's bullets should cover recovery time and you should be able to jump right back to doing another s.LP, s.MP . . .) I still haven't tested it that much, but the drill rush can be kinda helpful against pushblockers and such...I haven't seen anyone try to SJ out of it yet though... Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:02:2001 08:17 PM: Sounds good. Posted by ComboFighter on 06:03:2001 06:17 AM: New Trap I saw I was just playing at the arcade and saw a trap that locks you down almost completely. Cable/Storm. Wicked Posted by NJzFinest on 06:03:2001 07:59 AM: Re: New Trap I saw quote: Originally posted by ComboFighter I was just playing at the arcade and saw a trap that locks you down almost completely. Cable/Storm. Wicked was it at university pinball? if it was then it was probably bryheem doing it. oh yeah i was there too. i'm the asian kid who uses mag cable sent. who are you? Posted by NJzFinest on 06:03:2001 08:03 AM: oh yeah. theres a guy named omar who uses a tronbonne sentinel trap. its fuckin crazy... Posted by Fusion on 06:03:2001 08:27 AM: BTW. Cable has no traps, traps are something that pin you in the corner and stop you from doing any moves. Like the Spiral/Sentinal trap is a real trap. That's just a strategy, not a trap.. If you're looking for a good strategy, I always liked the Iceman/Doom team. Jump in and assist with doom, jump back and ice beam a couple times (not against cable). jump in, try to land iceman's air combo that links to arctic attack, repeat. Another very good strat. Cable/Capcom. Jump back FP, psytrap (grenade), sj, fp, psytrap, repeat, while using capcom to keep opponents away. Another good one.. Doom/BH Jump, fierce, jump, fierce, while hitting assist. builds MAD combo energy, thats when you sj into photon alley a couple of times. (is not a trap for chipping damage, just combo energy) Posted by DeathFromAbove on 06:03:2001 08:39 AM: Blackheart/Cyke: C.LK (call Cyke), C.LK, SJ.HK XX Airdash, J.LK, J.LK, repeat. That's not lockdown, but it is a nice pattern to keep pressure on. Posted by ComboFighter on 06:04:2001 03:38 AM: Yeah, I was guy who was losing constently this past Saturday. I had Mag/Sakura/Psy most of the time I was playing. Damn, I feel like a scrub after that whipping I got Saturday. I stopped playing Mags at my arcade about 3 months ago since no one would play me when I had him. People are going to hate me when they see I brought Mag back and start to learn how to do traps. Posted by ComboFighter on 06:04:2001 04:12 AM: Fusion, This was a trap. I don't want to go blabbing the details on this trap since I've only seen Bryheem doing it. And slightly ruin his chances if he's going to a tournament like the B5 coming up. While he's doing the trap, there's nothing you can do really. You are in the corner till he gets tired of doing the trap. Posted by Psyduck on 06:04:2001 04:18 AM: i beleive Spiral/Sabretooth is a trap too Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 04:19 AM: You're telling me it's 1) Non pushblockable, 2) Non Super Jumpable 3) Non counterable 4) Non AHVBable? Any trap can be countered pretty much.. Depends on the assist you have the guy on. I'd REALLY like to see this.. Didn't think such a trap existed in this game. Still don't, until i hear the details or see otherwise. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:04:2001 04:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Fusion You're telling me it's 1) Non pushblockable, 2) Non Super Jumpable 3) Non counterable 4) Non AHVBable? Any trap can be countered pretty much.. Depends on the assist you have the guy on. I'd REALLY like to see this.. Didn't think such a trap existed in this game. Still don't, until i hear the details or see otherwise. 1) Non pushblockable? Yes 2) Non Super Jumpable? Yes and No. Sum players may get sloppy during the call Doom AAA/activate Orbs phase. They'll leave a slight gap, allowing you to superjump. Although, if you're playing a super good player, then he'll leave no gap at all. 3) Non counterable? No. Unless you countered in with a super invincible AAA (Ken, Jin, Cammy). 4) Non AHVBable? No The Strider/Doom has been proven to be one of the best teams. But, it is far from stoppable. First off, Strider takes damage like shit, so one mistake, he's dead. Second, you constantly need to eat up supers to keep the trap going. Third, the trap itself, takes a long time, from start to finish, and there is always a possibility that at one point you can get sloppy, therefore, breaking the trap. Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 07:37 AM: I was referring to the Cable/Storm trap that other guy was talking about. Where'd you come up with the Strider/Doom trap..? hmm Posted by dragonkahn on 06:04:2001 07:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Fusion I was referring to the Cable/Storm trap that other guy was talking about. Where'd you come up with the Strider/Doom trap..? hmm Oops, I thought you were talking about Strider/Doom. My bad. Posted by ComboFighter on 06:04:2001 08:01 AM: This trap with Cable/Storm, you can not pushblock. Attempts to superjumps out of it will only let you get about half an inch off the ground. You can alpha counter but you are just bringing another character in to get put into the trap. You might get lucky if cancel in someone with a beam assit like Iceman,IM,etc. I don't think you can AHVB since like I said you can only jump about half an inch. The rest of the time you are in blockstun. Posted by TS on 06:04:2001 08:04 AM: My theory is that like 80% of the cast has a decent trap involving Doom AAA. dragonkahn mentioned a Ruby/Bison of my teams is Ruby/BH/WM, though the main trap is with Ruby/BH...would explain, but I gotta run for now... Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 08:06 AM: I've done the sj XX hyper viper and it was so close to the ground it looked like his feet were actually lower. Soo.. A good way to get out of that is to assist with Iron man and sj XX hyper viper. It'd be hard to do I guess.. but I havent seen the trap so it's hard to say.. I'm VERY intrigued in seeing this Cable/Storm trap... just tell me one thing. What's their assist types? Posted by ComboFighter on 06:04:2001 08:12 AM: I checked the B5 list of people going and it looks like Bryheem is going to be there. With luck you will get to see him do the trap there. If he doesn't, then it will be up to him if he wants the details of this trap to be told since I believe he found it. Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 08:23 AM: Like my new av? Posted by PuReELiTE on 06:04:2001 08:31 AM: Interesting trap. Nice av dude. Posted by ise on 06:04:2001 09:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by ComboFighter Fusion, This was a trap. I don't want to go blabbing the details on this trap since I've only seen Bryheem doing it. And slightly ruin his chances if he's going to a tournament like the B5 coming up. While he's doing the trap, there's nothing you can do really. You are in the corner till he gets tired of doing the trap. cable/storm trap talked about here is a very good one but its no secret. pick cable and storm-G (vert typhoon) gun + storm, gun, gun, short viper beam, repeat the vert typhoon should come out as the viper beam finishes and it stays on the screen for a long time giving cable enough to recover and begin again. Posted by ComboFighter on 06:04:2001 04:25 PM: ise since you know about this trap, how do you get out of it??? I normally take Mag-A or B, ???, and Psy-AAA. Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 06:11 PM: You're kidding me. All you do is counter with a projectile assist right before he starts the "gun gun gun", while the vert typhoon is still going. If you counter into cable, he'll hit him with a viper beam, and can start a trap of his own.. It's not that hard to get out of... Posted by ise on 06:04:2001 09:22 PM: you dont want to have to use a meter getting out whenever you get stuck in this trap. this gives cable the advantage since he loves his meter and wants you to waste yours. the key in this trap is to watch for the typhoon and understand that the "bullet" of the gun doesnt reach you until a small moment after the actual sound of the gun. The best place to get out of this trap is to jump out as soon as the viper beam blockstun finishes because the typhoon's effective area isnt quite as big as it looks. Also, another weak spot of the trap is when the typhoon finishes and you hear the gunshot, you can jump out before the bullet hits you (sometimes) Posted by Fusion on 06:04:2001 09:40 PM: It doesn't really matter if you waste a meter, as long as you stop the trap and get on the offensive. That's the whole point of a counter, to counter traps. Your way is also good, would be a little harder cuz when you sj out of it, you can still be hit by the top of the typhoon, which will knock you down right into the guns again. Hard to say, I'd have to actually have the trap done to me to make some real statements, right now I'm just saying this out of the characteristics of the attacks. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:50 AM. Show all 40 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.